Thursday, December 5, 2019

Editing the music video

My group and I finally finished our music video. We started editing our footage to bring it all together. If i'm being honest editing isn't my strong suit. It isn't Emily's either. Editing is more of Rafael's thing. He's a huge tech guy and definitely good with online programs. Rafael without a doubt edited most of the film. We did contribute though. The first thing we did was pick and choose which scenes we wanted to include. The quality of some of the scenes wasn't up to our standards so we didn't use them. Meshing the scenes wasn't too difficult because we planned it according to our storyboard. We did film some of our scenes before others. For example, we filmed our last shot of the sun before any of the other scenes. Editing this video wasn't as hard as previous projects because we had our audio already. We just had to match the scenes to our song. This made filming even easier because sound didn't matter. Acting was the only thing we had to really worry about. We based our acting off the lyrics of our song. We had to make sure the length of each scene was perfect or it would throw off the whole video. This was the more difficult and time consuming part of editing. After we finally put all the scenes together smoothly we added transitions. We used a variety of different transitions like fades and changing filters. My group and I decided to keep it basic and simple with the transitions. We mostly used fast and abrupt transitions similar to our song. Emily came up with the idea to add filters to differentiate one scene from another. Unfortunately, we were basically done editing the video so it was necessary to go back and add it in. Editing our music video was both simple and tedious at the same time. I'm just glad we finally got it done. There's things I can still improve on when it comes to editing, but it's a learning process. Slowly by slowly I improve on my skills and techniques. Overall though my group and I are pleased with the editing of the music video and the quality of it.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Actually filming the music video

My group and I got the opportunity to meet up during thanksgiving break to film our music video. It was such a relief to finally meet up. We previously couldn’t film because I had a personal emergency the weekend prior to our break. We went to our friends house after school, where we would film. Our friend, Mariapaula took us to her house and took part in our video. Her house was an ideal setting because of it’s accessories. The song we decided on using is “We Are Young” by Fun. The lyrics are about a male and a female in a bar. This was perfect for our video because Mariapaula’s house has a countertop and a kitchen similar to a bar. We also filmed during the evening to give off the vibe of a bar. Everyone in the film dressed accordingly to fit our roles. I wore dark colors. I dressed up in a black sweatshirt, black ripped jeans, and black shoes. I was the main character in the film. We began our music video with me walking into a bar hesitantly. I was not sure if I should go in, but I did anyways. As soon as I walk in I see my lover, Mariapaula, across the bar. I want to go sit with her, but there’s already a man wearing sunglasses next to her. The next scene immediately cuts to her coming up to me angrily. We begin to argue and bicker with each other. She keeps getting in my face while I try defending myself. The lights soon turn off and after having one to many drinks she falls into my arms. After I help her up we look into each other’s eyes in a romantic way. The video then cuts to three other multiple scenes including confetti, a bond fire, and the sun. We spent almost all night trying to perfect every scene. We had to reshoot a multitude of scenes till we had the quality we wanted. Just filming took us about 4-5 hours total. To add on, we used tons of props like shot glasses, beverages, and bar chairs. I had so much fun acting in our video because of how much I enjoy the song. It was also a relief for me to finally finish our film and not have to worry about it anymore. It was extremely difficult for all of us to come together because of our different schedules. We found a way to make it happen and we were all happy with the final product.

Audience and Institution Practice Essay

Assess the importance of marketing in the media area you have studied                 Year after year billions and billions of dollars i...