How many titles are displayed during the opening sequence film?
In the title sequences for, "Signs" there is 18 titles. These titles include actors, directors, editors,etc. The very last title is directed by M. Night Shyamalan
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
In the opening sequences there is no images whatsoever. The sequences have multiple titles including a dark blue and black background. On each background, words or name will appear. For instance, one title said "casting by Douglas Aibel" with the words being bold.
What connotations do the images carry?
Since there are no images the background and words is what give connotation. A dark blue and background gives a mysterious and dramatic connotation to the film. Also, some of the words appear rapidly out of no where giving a dramatic effect.
How is the genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
If i'm being honest there doesn't seem to be any symbolic codes from the outset at all. On the other hand, there is a plethora of technical codes. Much of the editing, lighting and sound differs throughout the whole title sequence. From the beginning of the sequences things start off slow from an editing standpoint. As the sequences progress titles jump cut into other titles rapidly and words swiftly brought onto the screen. The sound also starts off calm, but all of a sudden music begins to play. The music is extremely dramatic so even if there is no acting on the screen, the audio makes it seem as if something is happening. The lighting during and in between titles is also essential. Before and after a title appears a black screen will pop up, then the title sequence will slowly have light shined upon it, then the light will dim back down, and a black screen will appear again. All of these things advocate the film being in the drama genre.
How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The film establishes an enigma from the outset, because of its lack of content. There are no images or characters in the title sequences that give any information on what the movie is about. All the sequences have that give any information on the film is the audio, editing and lighting. These technical codes give off the vibe the movie has.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The film uses a mostly emotional strategy to appeal to its target audience. They use technical codes to give off emotion during the outset. Like I previously mentioned audio, editing, lighting, etc., all contribute to appealing to their targeted audience.
How has technology been used effectively?
Without technologies effectiveness this brilliant title sequence couldn't have been put together. They maximized the effects of the sequences by editing the titles through technology. Additionally, they added audio and different lighting to the titles through technology. For example, there were many fade-in and fade-out transitions during the films outset.
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