How many titles are displayed during the opening sequence film?
In the film, "Snow White and The Huntsman" there is a total of 28 titles. The titles contain directors, producers, actors, editors, etc. The very last title is an overview of everyone involved in the film. The film is directed by Rupert Sanders and is a Roth Films Production.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The main images being prioritized is a knights armor. The camera is zoomed in on specific parts of the knight such as his sword, breastplate, gauntlets, etc. In the sequences the knight seems to be slaying some sort of creature with wings. From my observation it appears to be a dragon or a bird of some sort.
What connotations do the images carry?
The images carry a dramatic medieval connotation to them, because of the very detailed knights armor. I'm not quite sure of the real representation of the knights armor in the title sequences, but it may symbolize the protection of humans. Every angle caught of the armor is dramatic, because of the cameras movement around each part.
How is the genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The genre of drama and history is perfectly depicted in this outset. The film uses knights armor to represent the protection of our body from the outside world. The armor could also represent a knights values such as honor, courage, and chivalry. The technical codes used were also marvelous. The camera captured every angle and shot of the armor in such a captivating way. Behind the images there was audio of a woman beautifully singing. Her voice brought so much emotion and drama making viewers feel a connection to the film. The editor was also very smooth transitioning from one part of the knights armor to the next. He used many different techniques such as fade-in, fade-out, and cutaways to amplify the film. All these variables contributed into the films genre from the outset.
How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
There is no real enigma to the film, there's only drama. The outsets combination of audio and imagery come together making things sound so heroically dramatic. There's nothing to puzzling or mysterious about the outset, besides the lack of knowledge on the films plot and story.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The use of olden times in the film is extremely appealing to audiences that are historians, philosophers, or just people who enjoy history. The title sequence is also exceptionally eye-grabbing, engrossing viewers in the movie. The captivating imagery will leave people wanting to watch more.
How has technology been used effectively?
The way technology was used in the outset is profound. From camera movements, to editing, to audio in the sequences everything lined up effectively. All the technical codes and symbolism involved in the film magnified the greatness of the movie. The CGI was used to perfection and the film would be nothing the same without it.